It took a significant amount of human effort and millennia of technological advancements to ensure that safe, drinkable water is made consistently available in every home. To build the earliest civilisations, humans needed to contend with the logistics of supplying clean water to the community. This means sourcing water, maintaining enough supply for the people and their livelihoods, designing a distribution system, and even finding ways to dispose waste properly. Drinking water is so essential for a working society that the first human settlements were founded near sources of freshwater. In the thousands of years that passed, we’ve made significant strides on water purification and distribution technologies, which now allow us to bring drinking water to places where it’s never been readily available before.
Broadly speaking, everyone in Australia has access to clean water at any given time. While we’re living in the driest habitable continent in the world, it doesn’t take much work to get a glass of cool water or to buy a flavoured drink here, especially on a sweltering summer day. This might seem like a small thing, but because we don’t worry much about sourcing water for our daily use, we have the time and energy to devote to other concerns that are just as vital in the 21st century: work, entertainment, and relationships, just to name a few. It doesn’t end there, however; the tap water we have access to at home can still be tailored to fit our specific needs and lifestyle.
Bringing Drinking Water a Step Further
One of the most advanced drink appliances in the world, Zip Hydrotap BCS, can make a huge difference in the way people at home access drinking water. This technologically advanced tap dispenses chilled, sparkling, or boiling water at the click of a finger, making it much easier for people to get the kind of drinking water they need, right when they need it. It not only accommodates the fast-paced lifestyle of the current generation, the device also makes it much easier for people to adapt to the environmental changes that the next few years will bring.
Making Zip Hydrotap BCS a part of your household brings a number of benefits that you will not only enjoy, but will also find necessary in the immediate future. This device allows you to:
Enjoy Long Term Savings. In a fast-paced society, time is money. A modern tap with the capability to boil and chill water in an instant is an indispensable tool that will make your home more efficient and allow you to use your time as you see fit. You won’t have to spend minutes waiting for drinking water to reach the temperature you like, so you can head out of your house and attend to business whenever you need to. There’s little need to buy expensive caffeinated drinks outside, as you can immediately boil water for coffee or tea using Zip Hydrotap. And because you’re getting boiling, chilled, and sparkling water from one device, you don’t need to invest in other appliances that are solely made for heating or cooling drinking water. Finally, the water that comes out of the tap is purified using MicroPurity filter technology, which means that you don’t have to worry about water-borne diseases that can compromise your family’s health and cost money for your household.
Save Space. The rising housing cost is an issue that many Australians face. It takes a lot of resources to own a home, particularly in some of the biggest cities in the country, and the cost of rent has also gone up in the past few years. As such, many people make the choice to live in smaller homes. While this step relieves the financial burden of living in a regular home, it also requires certain changes, including downsizing and living with a somewhat minimalist lifestyle. Zip Hydrotap is a multipurpose device that will fit in small environments. The device won’t take up much space while offering multiple capabilities, eliminating the need for other devices with similar functions that only take up extra space.
Join the Green Movement. Bringing your own reusable water container with you is a more economical and eco-friendly choice, and you can do just that with this advanced tap. Just prepare your favourite drink at home using the chilled or boiled water from the tap and put it in a reusable container. You can bring refreshing drinks to the gym, while taking your dog for a walk, or while doing your errands for the day. Doing so will save you money as well as reduce your need for single-use plastics. In turn, making this conscientious choice allows you to do your part in maintaining the current state of the environment we live in.
Drink Clean Water Anytime. Even today, more than 780 million people are beyond the reach of services that can provide them with safe drinking water, and millions more around the world still suffer from water-borne or -related diseases like trachoma, which can cause blindness, and buruli ulcers, which can lead to disfigurement and long-term disability. These diseases are present in Australia; we’re the only developed country in the world that still has cases of trachoma, and the number of patients with buruli ulcers have almost quadrupled in Victoria in the last four years. The general public doesn’t need to worry about contracting these diseases through our water system, since the water we use undergoes a reliable purification process. At the same time, however, the MicroPurity filter in the Zip Hydrotap serves as a second screen against pathogens, as well as chemicals that might give the water an unpleasant metallic taste. This means that you’re not only getting clean water from the tap, you’re also sure that the water tastes great.
The Zip Hydrotap is a wonderful addition to any home, and its presence in your property will change the way you keep yourself hydrated for the better. Find out how this device can help you improve your health and that of your loved ones. For enquiries about this and other products from Aussie Natural filtration, call 1300 360 332 or send a message through our Contact Us page.